
Acute Call
Acute symptom consultation over the telephone to initiate treatment for your present condition.

Carefully prescribed remedies to target your mental, physical and emotional concerns.

Inner Child Healing
Healing completed by the release of repressed emotions and the release of values.
Heart broken and grieving
A broken heart or in grief requires time to heal. Homeopathy can also help to support you through the shock and various physical ailments associated with this state.
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Homoeopathy A holistic method
Fundamentally homoeopathy uses a three dimensional homoeopathic prescription approach that recognizes each individual as a whole: A Trinity that encompasses body, mind and soul.

The Principle of Homoeopathy Self Healing
Homoeopathy uses self-healing power of every individual and it’s fundamental principle is: "the same law that causes a symptom becomes what removes the symptom".

Keiko Azagemi ANP certified homeopath
Keiko specializes in homoeopathy treatments for a wide range of common modern ailments, such as allergies, skin problems, emotional traumas and more.